
At Beamont, our intent is to provide all of our Key Stage 2 pupils with a high quality education in Lanugages. Learning a new language enables children to learn about new cultures and customs and provides them with transferable skills to use in other subjects such as reading, writing and listening. We have a high number of Pupil Premium children at Beamont (44%), this Languages curriculum will endeavour to provide these children with experiences and opportunities to engage with another culture. Our current Language taught is Spanish in Reception – Year 6. It is our intention to ensure our children are developing their intercultural understanding, learning about key festivals, food, drink and ways of life in Spain. The children given a range of opportunities to speak, read, write and listen to Spanish, feeling confident in each aspect of the curriculum.

We use the National Curriculum to plan our Languages curriculum.



We have set up a link with Escola Sant Josep school in Barcelona. Our aim is to give our children at Beamont a purpose for their language learning and expose them to Spanish culture. What better way to do this than by practicing our speaking and listening skills with children from Spain. Throughout the school year, our children will be given the opprotunity to prepare a piece of Spanish work to send over to the children in Escola Sant Josep. The children in Spain will also send over videos and work around their school life for our children to explore. Watch this space for more videos and pictures of our interactions on our language learning journey.



Languages Curriculum Intent

MFL long term plan



We were awarded the Primary Languages Development Award from the Primary Languages Network in November 2022 in recognition of our work to teach Spanish throughout our school.